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Worldwide Campaign

Dear friends and subscribers, Last month, almost 2,000 women worldwide made a commitment to go to the mikvah. Women in Russia, Brazil,...

Who came to our mikvah last month?

A woman who drove for two hours in each direction just to come to the mikvah. A mom of a bride. She'd last gone to the mikvah when she...

4 Remedies for a Better Marriage

What exactly distinguishes a good marriage from a dwindling one? Dr. John Gottman speaks of 4 important things. His rigorous scientific...

A Story

The inmates were playing cards, an activity strictly forbidden in prison. Sooner or later the guards would see the forbidden game and the...

What My Nutritionist Said I Need

By Sara Esther Crispe So I finally gave in and saw a nutritionist. I had been doing everything right (or so I thought), and the scale...

Peace in the Home

By Etta Goldman Shalom Bayit occurs when a couple enjoys a relationship based on kindness, gentleness, mutual respect, compassion, and...

Intimate Relations: Good or Bad?

Excerpt from an article by Tzvi Freeman There is nothing more holy in this world, nothing more precious to its Creator, than the union of...

A Bride – 30 Years After My Wedding

By Marian Shain When I got married going to the mikvah was not something that girls did. I never knew anything about the mikvah. Then, 30...

At the Door: A Reflection

By Goldie Simpson Rivka was a young mother. Like you and me she cared for her young children. Like you and me she sought a productive and...

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