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Hotlines & Links

Find a Mikvah

Find a mikvah anywhere in the world:

Find a mikvah in South Africa:



Mikvah Zmanim

Johannesburg Times of sunrise, sunset and earliest immersion



Jewish Marriage Education (JME)

Anne Levitt - 082 806  4118
Peta Welcher - 082 490 0132
Lillian Wolpe - 011 648 5583; 082 390 0968
Cape Town coordinators:
Lee Liebenberg - 082 928 1892
Wendy Berger - 021 683 1022



Chevrah Kadisha Community Social Services


24-hour helpline - 082 499 1010

Burial 24-hour standby - 011 321 0000 code 4284 or 083 704 3994
Trauma Response - 082 441 7859
Bridal Assistance - 011 532 9710
Burial - 011 673 2057/8
Financial Assistance - 011 532 9710
Healthcare Services - 011 483 7471
Protected Employment - 011 532 9629
Social Services - 011 532 9616
Student Loans - 011 532 9652



Halachik Experts in the Laws of Family Purity

If you have a halachik question, ask your own Rabbi & Rebbetzin. If this is not their area of expertise they will direct you to a competent Rabbi.


Rabbonim who deal with Taharat-Hamishpacha questions include:



  • Rabbi Aurbach -  011 786 8909 or 082 940 4324

  • Dayan Baddiel – 0723961439

  • Rabbi Chaikin - 083 794 1178

  • Rabbi Fox (Pretoria) - 082 339 9744

  • Rabbi Groner - 082 964 8900

  • Rabbi Klein – 0761871451

  • Rabbi Raff - 011 485 1036

  • Dayan Rapoport - 0837751119

  • Rabbi Saltzer - 082 823 1093

  • Dayan Suchard - 0828920411

  • Rabbi Yitzchak Vaknin - (Sefardi customs) 011 640 5647 (Translator: David Ozeri - 011 640 4777 or 082 677 7629


Cape Town:

  • Rabbi Dani Brett - 021 434 3013

  • Rabbi Popack - 021 439 4379


Click here for a Mikvah Preparation Checklist.



Mikvah Calendars & Apps



Marriage Resources

Requirements for getting married in South Africa

Glossary of wedding terms

Step-by-Step Guide to rituals and customs of the Jewish wedding

Simcha Resources for South Africa


Articles on relationships & marriage: 

Subscribe to for monthly insights on Shalom Bayit. Email for upcoming parenting





Dr Joanne Abrams - 011 440 6740 or 082 343 4348 (Dr. Abrams has especially helped many couples at the beginning of their marriages.)


Helpful articles on Women’s Health Concerns: 




Addiction to inappropriate materials on the Internet:

Internet filters:


Inspiration & Guide for pregnancy & birth:


International support for complicated pregnancies and premature 


Breastfeeding support: Download the Breastfeeding for Boobs app. 


Upcoming parenting workshops: Email



Fertility Support

Rabbi Fox - 082 339 9744
Malka Ella Fund - 082 771 4226 (Suzanne Sackstein)
Counselling – Tikva 072 961 7294


Fertility and Jewish law:

Advice, articles, prayers, and women’s personal accounts of miscarriage and stillbirth:

Forums, newsletters, and recommended reading:

Insightful and inspiring stories and helpful information:



Post Natal Depression

PNDSA Poste Natal Depression South Africa

Gauteng - 082 429 2279; National  - 082 882 0072


SADAG South Africa Depression and Anxiety Group - 011 262 6396 or 0800 567 567


Shelley Perez - 082 446 8052



Domestic Violence & Abuse

POWA People Opposing Women Abuse - 011 642 4345

Family Life Counselling - 011 788 5560

Life Line - 011 728 1347

Jewish Community Services - 011 532 9616 (day); Help Line - 011 321 0505 (after hours for crises and emergencies)

Johannesburg Beth-Din - 010 214 2600

KOLEINU SA Hotline - 011 440 9660


Abuse Prevention and Treatment Resources: 


Personal stories & thoughts on abuse



Child Abuse

Education & Management for child sexual abuse for Jewish children in South Africa -; 079 388 5428



Breast Cancer Support

Division of Human Genetics-  011 489 9223


Wings of Hope-



Family Support During Illness

Lifestyle support for the families of those going through cancer:; 011-485-3269



Financial Empowerment

Professional recruitment network and support service for Jewish job seekers and potential employers:




Suggested prayer before immersion

Techinot for pregnancy

Al Chet prayer for wedding day

Suggested prayers when lighting Shabbat candles

Suggested prayers when separating challah


Great Websites for Jewish Women

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