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Greeting the New Year with Mikvah

Updated: Feb 5, 2020

'I feel like I am entering a new chapter in my life', expressed Sarah, as she began counting the days towards her Mikvah immersion. Sarah has been married for over 15 years and has never before immersed in a Mikvah. Moved to grow her relationship with Hashem and add a G-dly dimension to her life, Sarah approached us and asked if she could meet to learn and fulfill this mitzvah in honour of the approaching High Holidays.

Sarah is one of many women who have expressed a desire to proactively prepare for the Rosh Hashana by doing an extra mitzvah to connect with G-d. Woman after woman has approached us to come learn one-on-one about the mitzvah of Family Sanctity with the intention of immersing in the Mikvah at least one time before or during the High Holiday season. Hopefully their experience at the Mikvah will inspired them to fulfill this mitzvah again and again.

If you would like to consider fulfilling the mitzvah of Mikvah immertion during the auspicious High Holiday season, please do not hesitate to contact us: Feige - 083 283 5256 Goldie - 072 832 2001

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