There are some who pride themselves on living separate lives claiming that they make up for it with quality time on the weekends or big vacations. Don’t think that working long hours or throwing yourself into extracurricular activities and rarely seeing your spouse will endear you to him/her more. In fact, it often leads couples to live separate lives where they learn to coexist as roommates… While you don’t need to be attached at the hip, and quantity should not be a substitute for quality, regular meaningful connection is crucial to nurturing your marriage. From an article by Shlomo Slatkin posted here.
So many believe that love is a romance; that it is something into which you fall, suddenly, effortlessly. Let me tell you what is true love. Two people live together, care for each other, weather the storms together —and one day they discover they cannot live without one another. That is love. Don't fall in love. Create love. From Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman.