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Exams! If this word sends jitters down your spine, read on. While nothing can replace sheer hard work, there are ways that you, the parent, can help your child to study better:

  • Read over their study material so you are familiar with it. Try incorporating the material into their daily life.

  • Cut out small flashcards from cardboard. Write questions and answers or difficult vocabulary on them. Review these and make up games that can be played in the car, at the kitchen table or just about anywhere.

  • Make up silly rhymes and jokes with your children to help them remember important facts.

  • Guide them to tackle the difficult notes first using colourful diagrams and mind maps.

  • Stick important facts around the house so they see it everyday.

  • Encourage your child to teach you or a teddy.

  • Most importantly, stay positive! Help your child to adopt a positive mind-set and don’t add to your child’s stress levels by focusing on outcome ("You must get an A"). Focus instead on the study process, breaking the study material into more manageable parts, and help your child find the humour and fun even at this stressful time.

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