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Health & Nutrition

Most of these articles first appeared in our Women's monthly email newsletter. Subscribe

Post Pesach Paunch - By Shirley Norman

April 2013


So Pesach is over and you're feeling bloated and uncomfortable. All that refined white flour has clogged your system and you’re downright constipated. Never fear! There are ways of managing this distressing problem: First and foremost my formidable 'Breakfast Cocktail':  Take a half a cup of High Fibre Bran. Add a half a cup of yoghurt with a high probiotic count e.g. Activia. Mix in 3 to 4 prunes which have been soaked overnight in boiling water. Use the prune juice too!  Sprinkle with a tablespoon of crushed linseeds. (They must be crushed to release omega 3 fats.) Eat this breakfast daily and it’s sure to do the trick. Additional measures to combat constipation include drinking at least 6 glasses of water daily (Herbal teas, hot water with lemon, diet cordial added to water are all acceptable and are perhaps more palatable substitutes); regular exercise to help stimulate peristalsis; a diet high in fibre i.e. fruit , veges and wholegrains. Remember to include good fats in your diet - e.g. nuts, seeds, avos, fatty fishes, and olive oil - which will keep your bowels well lubricated. (Low fat or No fat diets are always the rage!) Taking a good probiotic supplement daily on an empty stomach will not only keep the bacteria in your bowel happy, but will also boost your immune system. Follow these dietary principles daily and you're sure to have a long and happy relationship with your colon. Shirley is a registered dietician and can be contacted at or on my cell 084-462-3550.


Why Eat/Drink Dairy? - By Lauri Isserow

June 2013


Each year we count the days until the Receiving of the Torah - - and until we can partake in array of mouth-watering dairy foods. While dairy foods are highlighted on Shavuot, dairy products deserve out attention all year round! We are all well aware, children are notorious for not eating well and being fussy (especially between the ages of one and five years old). Dairy is an essential part of a balanced diet as it contains many important nutrients including protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc and B vitamins and luckily most children enjoy dairy products!  The most important benefits of dairy for children are: bone health (healthy bones need the right ratio of many nutrients found in dairy) and teeth health (calcium and phosphorus in dairy products help with the growth and maintenance of healthy teeth), hydration (milk not only re-hydrates the body, but provides many beneficial nutrients and protects the teeth at the same time!) and the prevention of obesity.  If your child is not eating dairy, it is essential that s/he takes  a calcium supplement.  Non-dairy milks (soya, rice, oat) are available; If your child is using these as a dairy alternative, ensure that you choose a calcium fortified option.  Here's a delicious healthy fruit smoothie that is delicious, simple to make and packed with nutrients! 

Ingredients:  100ml Milk · 125ml yoghurt  · 1 cup Fruit (e.g. Strawberries, Pineapple, Melon, Banana) · 2 Tbs Oat bran ·  ½ tsp Vanilla Essence  · 2 tsp Honey  ·  2 Tbs Crushed Ice. Place all of the Ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Lauri Isserow is a Paediatric Dietican who deals with the nutritional needs of infants and children. She can be contacted at or  082 822 7107.

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